
Bride of the Viking Laird – Extended Epilogue


Even a character, a scene, or anything. You could say no if nothing bothered you.
Even a character, a scene, or anything that you enjoyed.

Two months later…

The rain was clearing as the little group left the chapel and wended their way across the cobblestones to the castle. Grey clouds gave way to blue skies and rays of morning sunshine beamed down on them.

Although tears had been shed during Father Padraig’s Mass and the long service that followed, it was a happy occasion.

Haldor looked around at his family. The annual memorial service held for the memories of their sadly missed brother Thor and their much-loved parents, the Laird Ulf, and his wife, Ingrid, although similar in many details to the other years, was very different this year.

In the past, the celebration of lives well-lived had been tempered by bitterness and the knowledge that Thor’s killer had never been brought to justice. It was an unhealed wound on Haldor’s conscience that his brother’s murder was unavenged. The ongoing hostilities wrought by the MacKinnons had weighed heavily, standing between himself, his brothers and sister and the sense of peace and acceptance they craved, which, until now, even the holy service failed to provide.

But today, instead of the heavy pall of grief hanging over them, there was a lightness, a burgeoning sense of optimism at what the future might hold. With the death of James MacKinnon, the dues owed to their brother had at last been paid, justice was done and their enemies vanquished. At last, Haldor could hold his head up without the nagging aggravation of unfinished business that, for years, had dogged his heart.

There was, at last, an end to the long feud between Haldor’s people and Clan MacKinnon. Following the strange disappearance of Bairre MacKinnon from the ship, and with no knowledge of whether he lived or died, his clan had appointed a distant cousin to lead them. Arran MacKinnon was now the laird. He’d met with Haldor weeks ago and although both Arne and Ivar voiced their suspicions of this new leader, the encounter had gone well. On meeting and talking with him, even they were well satisfied. The man sought peace and a settling of all the affronts and offences between. The MacKinnons had suffered, as had the MacLeods, from the years of hatred and fighting and he’d made a pledge to Haldor to settle their differences and live in harmony, united with their King against a common foe.

Being able to put the past in its place meant they could move on, dealing with the more pressing issues at home and now more able to contribute their support to King Robert the Bruce.

Breathing in the crisp autumn air, Haldor waved to a small group of villagers who stood nearby to wish them well. He walked arm-in-arm with his beloved wife, the Lady Sofia who, only last night, had given him the news that their longed-for babe might well become a reality in the coming months.

Dahlia was laughing, chatting with Arne and Ivar. No longer was she forced to look over her shoulder and jump at shadows. The man she’d feared for so long would never haunt her nightmares again. Today, even Ivar had exchanged his glum expression for an occasional smile. His perpetual scowl had eased, and there had been times when his mood lifted and there were glimpses of the lad he’d been before he’d lost his twin brother.

Haldor knew it would take time for them all to completely put the years of hatred behind them, but today, for the first time, there was a thrum of optimism in the air.

He squeezed Sofia’s arm and she looked up, beaming. Would he ever become tired of gazing into her shining eyes?

The afternoon wore on with feasting and entertaining the guests who had arrived to share the celebration with them.

Laird Payton MacDonnell was there with his wife Kayla, Sofia’s sister, and their new baby, a wee boy.

Laird Mackenzie had also arrived last night for the day’s festivities. He’d sought out Haldor in his study to ask, privately, after his daughter’s wellbeing. It felt good to be able to reassure him that his marriage to Sofia was bringing them both great happiness, far beyond what he could have ever dreamed. As each day passed, he loved her more.

“I’m am glad tae hear of yer mutual happiness, Haldor. Ye ken I was gravely afeared fer me daughter’s wellbeing when we first attended here. I kent how timid and afraid she was, scarred by her abduction and the time she’d spent as a captive of those terrible men.”

Sofia had never told her father about the role Haldor had played in calming her fears, or of the fact that he’d offered all his gold to purchase her freedom. That was their secret, and it was one that strengthened the bond between them.

“Me daughter assures me she is happy, Haldor. I see a different Sofia nowadays. She is stronger, a confident lass in charge of the castle doings, fulfilling her wifely duties with a smile. Nae longer the fearful wee lass that journeyed here with me those months past, greatly afeared of yer choosing tae wed her.”

Haldor smiled at this. “Och, she is everything I could hope fer as me life’s partner.”

The older man took his hand and shook it. “I am proud tae have ye as me son-in-law Haldor and I owe ye everything fer making me daughter so happy. If ye are in need, if it should be in me power, I will only be too happy tae offer whatever ye may require.”

Haldor dipped his head in gratitude. “I thank thee. It was yer soldiers that added tae our strength and enabled us tae at last defeat the MacKinnons.”

They left the study and headed for the great hall where the minstrels were adding to the merriment and the assembled guests were raising their tankards in thanksgiving.

Haldor took his place at the high table beside his wife, his heart swelling with joy and pride as he looked around the assembled company.

Raising his goblet of wine, he rose to his feet. “Slàinte Mhath tae ye all. Me dear friends and family, ye are close tae me heart. Our future is assured.” He glanced down at Sofia who met his gaze with her own clear eyes. “And may our days be long and happy together.”

The End.

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  • Such an exciting story. Very happy for Sofia and Haldor. Maybe in the next Sequel his sister will find her love as well as his brothers. I love reading your stories.

    • Thank you my dear Donna, so glad you enjoyed the book! I can’t give you any spoilers about a sequel, but I am sure you will love it haha

  • This was an excellent book I loved Sofia and Haldor story they each had a great inner strength that complements each other I loved your cover too.

  • Kenna, your writing of this tale captivated me! I had the movie version in my head while reading your words! What a fabulous adventure!

  • Another great tale. I love the twists and turns and, of coarse, the path of true love which never runs smoothly! Thanks

  • A very exciting story. So very proud of the person Sofia grew in to. Haldor was so fierce in the beginning. Disappointed that he turned more insecure with Astrid in the keep.

  • I truly loved this story of Haldor and Sophia. I honestly think this has been my favourite read so far ????

  • After I fell and am homebound, I took time to examine books on my kindle….I found your books. You have certainly kept me entertained. Thank so very much !

    • Thanks so much, my dear Dawn! I’m hoping Dahlia finds all the happiness she deserves. There’s more in store that I think you’ll really enjoy! 😊📚

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