
Scot of Devotion – Extended Epilogue


Even a character, a scene, or anything. You could say no if nothing bothered you.
Even a character, a scene, or anything that you enjoyed.

Ten years later…

Evander looked around the Great Hall. It was the celebration of the anniversary of Alec’s lairdship, and the whole clan had gathered. His heart filled with joy as he looked around at the full hall, the quiet discussions of adults punctuated by the happy shrieks of children as they played.

There were several children, and Evander let his eyes follow each one in turn.

Alec and Kira had two sons – twin boys who, at eight summers, were already bidding fair to inherit their father’s height and their mother’s mannerisms. Kieran was quieter than his brother Devon, but both were full of trouble when they took it into their heads to cause mischief. He’d had to fish them out of ponds and various other scrapes more than once.

Catreena and Tad had a son as well, only a season younger than Alec and Kira’s boys. Ian was very much his mother’s son, a matter Tad often bemoaned, even as he beamed with pride. When he and Alec’s sons were together, the kitchens had learned to watch any pastries that might be cooling, lest they wander off.

Bran and Ilyssa had one child, a daughter named Kathleen, who had been a spitfire since the moment of her birth, seven years ago. She was active and boisterous, and just as inclined to play with the lads as she was with the lasses. She was also the apple of her father’s eye, and Bran bid fair to spoil her, though Evander pitied whatever man came to court the child when she grew up. She was as mischievous as her mother.

Not that he could talk, when his pride in his son was matched by his protectiveness toward his daughter. Conrad was the same age as Kathleen, older by a month, and the two alternated between getting along, and quarreling in a manner that drove all the adults to distraction.

Evander and May’s daughter Eileen was much younger – only four years old, and content to sit in corner and play quietly. She had her mother’s quiet spirit, but she could be just as stubborn as Evander when she wanted something. She had also inherited May’s protective nature, and a fondness for cats. Her joy in the creatures had actually helped May begin to heal from her fears. She would never be easy around dogs of any type, but she had a small cat she’d tamed, which often sat on her lap when she read or embroidered.

The last child Evander looked for was Dunn and Elayne’s child – five-year-old Diana. She seemed to alternate between trying to keep up with her older cousins, and keeping her younger cousin company. She was good-natured and friendly, and already showed signs of being a healer when she grew older.

And soon, she’d have a brother or sister of her own to look after, which was doubtless why she was spending the majority of her time with Eileen this evening. Evander’s eyes went to where Elayne was sitting, her belly softly rounded to show the growing life within.

May nudged his side. “What are ye thinking about?”

“How nice it is tae be here, with friends and family. How good it is tae see everyone happy and healthy, after all we’ve been through.” Evander looped an arm around her, and leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “And how nice it would be tae give Eileen a sibling tae play with.”

“Och! Is that right?” May shoved at him, laughing.

Evander laughed too, knowing well that what he had just suggested was not just in jest. The sound of their laughter echoed off the stone walls, and Evander laughed louder, just to hear the sound.

Alec then rose to make a speech and the hall fell silent.

“Dear family, friends, clansmen, and women. Welcome to this celebration, a feast nae just fer me anniversary but fer us all, a strong, united, and proud clan.”

Murmurs of approval supported his words.

“I am naething without yer support and help and I am grateful fer the presence of each and every one of ye, fer ye are what makes me a laird. I am proud tae be yer chosen leader, but may ye all ken, that ye often lead me. After so many years, and so many trials, today Clan Mackintosh is full of laughter, joy once more. So let us raise a glass to our beloved Clan! Slàinte Mhath!”.

All the guests, who had stood during the speech, raised their cups and cheered “Slàinte Mhath! Long live our laird!”

After a long drink from his mead, Evander leaned towards his beloved wife and whispered again “Why dinnae we go work on that sibling right now? I have a pressing need tae retire tae our chambers this instant.” And with that he quickly flicked his tongue into her ear.

May giggled like a young girl and took him by the hand. “As yer wife I must cater tae yer ever need, me dear husband, especially the more pressing ones.”

“Never was there anything better said or a more wonderful wife!”

The End.

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  • What a satisfying ending to a super series! I hope all of the authors had fun collaborating and writing their fabulous stories!

  • Attention ‘getter’,but more importantly, attention ‘keeper’ !!
    The plot moved with grace and purpose. Very well written ????

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