
Seduced by the Highlander’s Kiss – Bhaltair’s Scene

“Ye love me?” she asked.

“Aye, I love ye, more than life itself.”

He was now right in front of her, his arms coming out to pull her close. “I want nay one but ye,” he told her.

When her own words of love came out of her mouth, Bhaltair lost all thoughts except for being with her. He reached for her and kissed her wildly, no longer gentle, backing her up against the wall and crowding her into the space. She tasted like heaven, her soft tongue gliding along his own, little moans sounding into his mouth. His hands roamed over her soft, amazing body, and he lifted her skirts, reached down and lifted her legs so that they wrapped around her waist. He groaned as he pressed his already hardened length against the soft place between her thighs.

When she said, ‘please’, he nearly fell apart, but he gripped her bare buttocks tighter, wanting nothing more than to bury himself inside her.

“Dear God, I have wanted ye fer so long, Étaín. I have thought about this body fer longer than I can remember, bein’ inside ye, listenin’ tae yer cries of pleasure in me ear, but…” he paused, still breathing hard. “Are ye certain?” he asked.

When she responded in kind, he grinned at her, sliding his hand under her skirts where he sucked in a breath when he found her wet folds.

“Dear God, ye are so wet, lass,” he told her, his fingers sliding along her, making little whimpers come out of her mouth. It only made him harder. “Wet fer me. When ye are ready like this, it will be easier fer me tae slide inside ye and take ye just as ye want tae be taken.”

He loved the shocked look on her face, and when her mouth opened, he couldn’t resist taking her mouth again, kissing her as his fingers moved against her. She came apart with a few strokes of his thumb, and he swallowed her moans, now needing to be inside her even more. He pushed a finger inside her, drawing out her orgasm before he pushed in.

“It may hurt a little. Ye must be prepared.” He watched her face as he spread her open bit by bit, amazed that he was here now, with her, doing this.

When she leaned her head back against the wall, he took his chance to kiss the soft skin of her neck, licking and kissing it, biting playfully along the wall. Étaín was everything he had ever wanted, and he was getting drunk off her.

“Yer mouth is far too good,” she told him breathlessly, and he chuckled, looking down at her again.

Her hands moved to his shoulders, and she gasped when he thrust deeper with his fingers. “Aye, I am prepared. Anythin’ fer ye, Bhaltair, and it willnae hurt fer long. I ken that at least.”

Grinning, he removed his fingers, and he took them into his mouth. He loved the look on her face as he sucked her sweet juices from his fingers before he moved his hands to his kilt, lifting it up so that he could free himself.

“I cannae get enough of yer taste, me love,” he said, and then he was there at her entrance, sliding his length up and down her, making her whimper again.

“Please,” she said, her fingers pressing into his back, her hips moving forward until he couldn’t take it anymore.

He cursed as he pressed inside her, bit by bit. It was like he’d gone to heaven the way her sheath clamped around him tightly, softly. His hands held her waist to keep her steady as he thrust in once hard, breaking past the barrier that had kept her innocent. He paused, leaning forward so that his head was against hers.

“Are ye all right?” he asked, and she nodded.

“Aye. Ye are so big. Dinnae stop.”

He didn’t need to hear anymore. He angled her hips a bit and pulled out before he thrust once more. His eyes rolled back in his head for a moment as he savored the pleasure of it. Swearing aloud, he started to move faster, staring down into her eyes as he took her against the wall, wanting this like he had wanted nothing else in his life.

When she tightened her legs around him, he groaned aloud, and then he slowly lifted her thighs a bit higher.

“Dae ye want me deeper?” he asked against her ear before he drew it into his teeth.

“Aye!” she cried, and Bhaltair was lost.

He lifted her thighs and placed his hands under her knees to push them even higher as he thrust faster. She gasped, her eyes widening, and he could feel himself hardening even more at the depth he found inside her.

He could see and feel her pleasure building, her body slowly clamping around his every thrust into her hot, sweet, depths. He took one hand and rubbed against her once more, and she screamed, leaning her head back against the wall and coming, her body shaking all around him.

“Shite!” he said under his breath, for his own pleasure was coming soon.

With Étaín coming all over his length, he knew he would not last. After a few more thrusts, he was gone too, pressing deeply inside her as he spilled into her, breathing hard against her neck and holding her tightly against him.

“Dear God,” he said, as they shook together, still pressed tightly against the wall.

After a few moments, he leaned back to look down at her, and he took her mouth again. He had never felt such pleasure, and he knew in his soul that he never would never with anyone else.


    • Hello dear Mercedes, I believe there is a bit of a confusion here. This scene is an extra scene, so it is optional. Once you are done reading it, you can go back to the book on Kindle and the rest of the story is there, just waiting for you to read it! <3

  • That definitely added a wee bit of colour to an already very tantalizing scene. Thank you for sharing his perspective ????????✨

    • Thank you so much my dear Diana! I also love writing these extra scenes because my characters do deserve some extra love, don’t you think?

  • Wonderful descriptive writing drawing your reader into the moment of the couples passion.
    Also, want to applaud the new faces and looks on the covers of your books.

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